3D Printing at ZIRCAR Ceramics!

Check this out. For the very first time we have made a mold via 3D printing. Some additional development is needed but I am amazed at how much fun it was printing this mold – while everyone was asleep. More to be printed soon.

By |2021-03-08T12:24:37+00:00July 19, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3D Printing at ZIRCAR Ceramics!

ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Furnace Insulation Modules Type FIM

Our “FIM” Furnace Insulation Modules are pre-assembled engineered packages of a multi-layer ZIRCAR Ceramics Insulation system. These two FIMs have a board lining that consists of our alumina SALI as hot face, ZAL-15 as the intermediate layer and ECO-1200B as the backup layer. FRA -600 is the outer hardboard layer. The insulation system and the painted mild steel frame are [...]

By |2021-03-08T12:49:19+00:00June 28, 2019|General ZCI|Comments Off on ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Furnace Insulation Modules Type FIM
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