WOW, you can really hang your hat on our new Alumina Adhesive AL-CEM/DB1!

Our new AL-CEM/DB-1 is one strong Al2O3 adhesive.  After receiving so many customer requests for a high temperature Al2O3 cement that would “bite” to many different materials, ZIRCAR Ceramics has responded and is now offering its new Alumina Adhesive Type AL-CEM/DB-1. DB-1, as we refer to it, is an easy to use, air-setting adhesive that cures to very [...]

By |2021-03-08T13:23:19+00:00June 26, 2019|General ZCI, New Product|Comments Off on WOW, you can really hang your hat on our new Alumina Adhesive AL-CEM/DB1!

ZIRCAR Ceramics Introduces Alumina Type ZAL-12

New product development has always been at the heart of our company. My father, Bernie Hamling would spend hours and hours in the lab coming up with what we call “cures looking for a disease” He would then direct us to “go find someone who can use this product”. We would try. Many times, we found success. Many times – [...]

By |2021-03-08T13:30:35+00:00June 7, 2019|New Product|Comments Off on ZIRCAR Ceramics Introduces Alumina Type ZAL-12
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