Heater Module

Heater Module

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Heater Modules Type HTMOD are engineered combinations of low density thermal insulation materials and high quality resistance wire heating elements – manufactured and assembled into precision-fabricated industrial grade enclosures. Serving Thermal Process Equipment OEMs, as well as End Users, with unique and challenging high-temperature applications.

Technical Data Sheet


ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Heater Modules Type HTMOD are engineered combinations of low density thermal insulation materials with high quality resistance wire heating elements. Serving Thermal Process Equipment OEMs as well as End Users with unique and challenging high-temperature applications, HTMOD Heater Modules are manufactured and assembled into precision- fabricated industrial grade enclosure. HTMODs include either painted mild steel or stainless steel enclosures with appropriate thermocouple bracketting and are supplied ready to connect to a suitable power supply. All HTMODs are custom designed and built with the goal being the satisfaction of the specified form, fit and functionality. These Heater Modules are capable of efficiently delivering fast, clean, well-insulated radiant heat to temperatures as high as 1300°C (2372°F). HTMODs are available in a wide range of complex shapes, sizes, multi-zone configurations, temperature and power ratings.
It is our honor to have the opportunity to work with and to be of service to all customers. Please contact us with your Heater Module requirements.

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