Alumina-Silica Type ECO-27

Alumina-Silica Type ECO-27

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Alumina-Silica Type ECO-27 is a medium-density utility grade of refractory ceramic fiber (RCF) insulation board suitable for use to 1260°C (2300°F).

Technical Data Sheet

ECO-27A Safety Data Sheet

ECO-27B Safety Data Sheet

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Alumina-Silica Type ECO-27 is a medium-density utility grade of refractory ceramic fiber (RCF) insulation board suitable for use to 1260°C (2300°F). ECO-27’s density and strength is achieved through the use of clay and shot as fillers along with its high-purity amorphous (colloidal) silica binders. It is manufactured in two grades.
ECO-27A contains a few percent organic binder which aids in room temperature handleability and machinability. This organic binder begins to decompose at approximately 200°C (392°F). Firing to 600°C (1112°F) will remove all of its organic binder along with its chemically-combined water.
ECO-27B has had its organic binder burned out and is organic-free.
Both grades offer low thermal conductivity, excellent thermal shock resistance and are effective thermal insulators in numerous thermal process systems.
ECO-27 exhibits excellent resistance to chemical attack and is not affected by oil or water. It is, however, affected by hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid and strong alkalis.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
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