Dense Alumina Hearth Plate Type DAHP

Dense Alumina Hearth Plate Type DAHP

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Dense Alumina Hearth Plates, Type DAHP, are used for supporting loads in high-temperature furnaces and other thermal process systems with air atmospheres operating to 1825°C (3317°F).

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Dense Alumina Hearth Plates, Type DAHP, are used for supporting loads in high-temperature furnaces and other thermal process systems. These dense plates are combinations of medium-sized high-purity alumina grains and an alumina binder. Dry-pressed then fully sintered, DAHP exhibit high strength and utility in industrial applications with operating temperatures as high as 1870°C (3400°F). DAHP hearth plates are routinely used as hearth plates in low-mass furnaces with air atmospheres operating to 1825°C (3317°F). They may be positioned directly on the furnace floor or supported with hearth posts made of reticulated alumina, bubble alumina or fiber-filled alumina tubes. These plates are also useful in furnaces with hydrogen atmospheres operating over 1700°C (3100°F). They are of exceptionally high Al₂O₃ purity but are not ideal for use in extreme thermal shock environments.

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