Alumina-Silica Blanket
Type ASB

Alumina-Silica Blanket
Type ASB

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Alumina-Silica Blanket Type ASB are mechanically-needled refractory ceramic-fiber (RCF) blankets that exhibits good handleability and strength, have low shot content and are easily cut.

Technical Data Sheet

ASB-2300 Safety Data Sheet

ASB-2600 Safety Data Sheet

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Alumina-Silica Blanket Type ASB is a mechanically-needled ceramic-fiber blanket that exhibits good handleability and strength, has low shot content and is easily cut. Low in density with very good chemical stability, ASB Blankets provide low thermal conductivity in numerous high-temperature laboratory and aggressive industrial environments.
Two varieties are available:
ASB-2300 is made from spun Al₂O₃-SiO₂ refractory ceramic fibers (RCF) and is capable of long service life in applications with temperatures to 1260°C (2300°F).
ASB-2600 is made from spun Al₂O₃-SiO₂-ZrO₂ refractory ceramic fibers (RCF) and exhibits extended service life in applications with temperatures to 1427°C (2600°F).
Both ASB-2300 & ASB-2600 are ideal for use as furnace insulation in sintering, heat treating and chemical thermal process systems.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
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